Welcome, my blog-o-lites!
So I'm a total newbie to the whole blogging thing, right? But I feel it is a necessary duty to catapult Montreal back onto the social scene. This notion clicked when I was strolling one hot July afternoon on the Main and passed club Bijou Buddha, which, according to "sources", was open for about 14.2 minutes. It now has wood for windows. Yikes. Why the short shelf life, I wonder? Let us brave the Montreal summer humidity and all find out together, shall we?
In my professionally unscientific, not to mention early-twenties socialite opinion, Montreal is a gem. But, it definitely needs a fine tuning every once in a St-Catherine street pothole. Let's look at the bright side: we have been hosting some of the world's best summer events for years now (Jazz/Comedy lovers know what I'm talking about). Now the bad: everyone recall the recent and endless Grand Prix Formula One fiasco (lack thereof to back thereof) as well as the seemingly never-ending construction on all of our most important

streets (AHEM St-Laurent boulevard ring a bell?). Let me round off my rant by highlighting our restaurant/lounge/club openings and closings due to unsurpassed lameness/ripping you off-ness of said establishments. Frankly, we can all agree that summers in Montreal keep us on our toes. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE my city, and live by the notion that we are probably the best looking and educated bunch in Canada (sorry T-dot!) but I've noticed that word of mouth does not always do the job when it comes to finding worthy spots or hangouts. And lest we forget the whole "let us overcharge for mundane food and make you look good while we do it" philosophy :). We've all been there!
In short, I hope you enjoy my little project. Keep in mind, you politically correct ones out there, this is an opinion blog based on my experiences exploring the city. My hope is to review as many spots as possible for all you brilliant, vibrant and hard-working people out there, who deserve to know the potential our city has to offer. The rest is up to you. Because I swear on Parc Avenue, that as a paying client, I will (hardly!) ever get taken advantage of again (you hear that Time Supper Club?)
And hopefully, neither will you.
Saluti! and until the next blog.
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